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Author Topic: Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009  (Read 8101 times)
Chevy Rick
Hero Member

Karma: 27
Posts: 1756

« on: August 09, 2009, 08:42:13 PM »

Beaulieu opened its doors to bikers who pre-registered their bikes.  Entry was by name and reg and it gave those who did so a free day at Beaulieu.  The day coincided with the Graham Walker Memorial Run which involved veteran and vintage bikes built before 31st December 1930.  Graham Walker was one of the founders of the Sunbeam MCC in 1924, and was also President of the Club for many years. After he finished racing motorcycles he became Editor of ‘Motorcycling’ and on his retirement from journalism he became the first curator of the then Montagu Motor Museum. A year after his death this event was started in his honour.

Me, on the Road King, and JayJay, on her trike, had a nice day out as the weather was gorgeous and we made the most of what Beaulieu had to offer including the fun and informative Wheels exhibition, the Top Gear exhibition, the tour of the grounds by monorail and taking a look at the bikes visiting both events.  We were of the last group of bikers to leave as we arrived later than most because we visited Sammy Miller's AutoJumble first.

Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below the bike (Rudge Whitworth) raced by Graham Walker:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below, just a small line-up of a large turnout of machines for the Graham Walker Memorial Run:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below, the young lad on the Penny Farthing managed to get his machine up on the cam and overtook the car on the next straight:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below gives you an idea of how many bikes made the most of the free entry - these are just the early arrivals but we all got to park right next to the museum and the many other attractions:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below, a striking example of a well restored Lambretta:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below, JayJay meets the Stig and tells him about the Manky Monkey Motors site:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Below a Pioneer machine for trikers of today - to be found in the museum:
Beaulieu Biker Friendly Day & Graham Walker Memorial Run - August 9th 2009

Disc on its way with more photos...
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 08:46:16 PM by Chevy Rick » Logged
Chevy Rick
Hero Member

Karma: 27
Posts: 1756

« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 09:09:56 PM »

JayJay here - really enjoyed the day but was flabbergasted by another visitor just as we went back to the bikes.  I was stood right behind my trike when a woman walked up to it.  She first put her hand on the throttle and I thought "eh up" but then she proceeded to sit astride it.  I stopped her in her tracks before her high heels scratched my paintwork and told her very strongly that her actions were not the done thing and that you just don't mess with other people's property.  I am sure she would have loved me to let myself into her car (no doubt a Mercedes) and make myself comfortable.  She seemed quite bemused that her actions were seen as ill-mannered and totally unacceptable.  Chevy Rick was not as polite as I was and I think the large family that were accompanying her got the message more than she did.  They were obviously not familiar with the etiquette of this country.

Other than that though, it was a great day and I really enjoyed having the sun beam down on me.  The dreary weather has been really demoralising so I am trying to get out on the trike whenever I see a hint of sun - be it day or night!  Roll Eyes
Manky Monkey
Hero Member

Karma: 264
Posts: 55102

« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2009, 10:38:55 PM »

We'd love to feature your trike on the site JJ -not seen it in the flesh yet.
Sounds like another grand day out for you two. I didn't even know this event was on. Looking forward to the photos.
I've had the punters climbing on my trike thing too. A sad fact of life these days -people just don't have any respect for anything or anyone & the oldies are just as bad as the youngsters. The last show I entered a trike in, some old duffer from the pub it was held at lifted his grand daughter up & plonked her on the saddle, her shoes kicking the tank on the way. I managed to remain a lot more restrained than he deserved but pointed out that he might not like it if I went & jumped on the bonnet of his car.

On the last freedom moped out of Nowhere City.
Manky Monkey
Hero Member

Karma: 264
Posts: 55102

« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 10:59:12 PM »

Rick's photos now online here:


Thanks Ricky ma boy.  Wink

On the last freedom moped out of Nowhere City.
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